Made In USA
• No more lugging a heavy bag by hand.
• Saves your back and arms, easier on your body!
• This cart will hold your bag while filling it with water.
• Faster and easier to transport fish to the scales and back to the water for release.
• Keeps your bag in good condition off the ground away from hot asphalt, pavement, and gravel.
• This cart will help keep water from spilling out of the bag.
• Keeps your water and water conditioner G Juice in your bag.
• Easily remove your fish.
• Helps keep fish healthier - less stress and disease.
• When using our inner mesh liner bag, it’s easier and faster for you and the weigh master.
• Speeds up weigh-in times.
• Easier to get your fish back to the lake for a quicker and healthier release.
• When you get to the scales, it makes it so much faster and easier by using the DNZ bag or a bag with a mesh inner bag. By simply lifting out the mesh bag. No more chasing fish around the bag!
• Some weigh-in masters are dumping our fish and water into a sink. Now, this system will prevent that. Simply lift out the mesh bag hanging on your cart. After the fish have been weighed, put them back in your water with your G Juice or other fish conditioner. No more carrying fish back to the lake with no water in the bag or worse. No more scooping up water out of the tank that could have had diseased fish in it. This is a much more safe and sanitary way to handle our fish!
Website Price for the CART ONLY at $159.95
Website price for the Cart and the zip bag will be a total cost of $204.95.
Website price for the cart and the non-zip bag will be $199.95.